Lockport Family Focus Group’s 8th Annual Backpack and School Supply Drive

The Lockport Family Focus Group would like to give a very special thank you to the many agency providers, school administration, and community members who came together in the midst of a health crisis, to help support our community and continue this valuable service to our students and schools. COVID-19 did not deter the LFFG from banding together to support Lockport students in grades K-12. Backpacks full of school supplies, personal care items and more, were distributed to over 170 children this summer to assist with in-school, at home, or hybrid learning.

Thanks to the following community partnerships for making this day possible: Lockport City School District employees provided all of the student and family referrals. A generous cash donation from the Stephanie Moore Verratti Memorial Committee enabled the purchase of hundreds of three ring binders. A new partnership with Victory Sports, Inc. who supplied Play Packs for end of summer fun and at home recess. The Chapel congregation donated multiple pairs of socks for each student. Youth Mentoring Services of Niagara County ensured the disbursement of 50 backpacks to families who were unable to attend the drive thru event. Many individual community members donated boxes of personal care items to provide age appropriate bags full of deodorant, soap, toothpaste, floss, combs, and lotion. The Lockport LAOH donated pocket folders, pens and colored pencils, and the Grigg Lewis Foundation, Inc. who donated all of the backpacks and school supplies this year.

We would especially like to recognize (in alphabetical order):

Agency Donors:
Grigg Lewis Foundation, Inc. * Lockport Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Division II * Morlock Foundation
Stephanie Moore Verratti Memorial Committee * The Chapel * Victory Sports, Inc. * Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Chapter 19-6

Community Donors:
Anthony Cicciarelli * Brooke Burrows & Family * Cathy Hamilton * Chris Smith * Denise Wertman * Kim Knuutila & Family
Marisa Morgan & Family * Martha Kershaw & Family * Melisa Chase Niver * Mollie Roland * Ryan Wertman * Teria Royster Young

Brooke Burrows, Grigg Lewis Foundation * Chris Smith, Grigg Lewis Foundation * Dec. Martha Farone, Christ Episcopal Church
Denise Wertman, community member * Jamie Rackl, EPIC * Jaydon Lang, Niagara County Youth Board & NYS Youth Advisory Council * Jessica Smith, Niagara County Department of Social Services * Jim McMullen, Iroquois Trail Council Boy Scouts of America * Kathy Zunner, Veterans One-Stop Center of WNY * Mollie Roland, LPAC  
Sue Capell, Youth Mentoring Services of Niagara County

personal care items